
About me...

I was born in Lohja, Finland's "Apple City". Information Technology has always been near to my heart. I have graduated to Information Technology Engineer in Forssa, Feb 2003. My other occupations are Bachelors Degree of Computer Science and Electric Drawer. Currently my interests are movies, photography, cycling, programming with Delphi and Information Technology.

Introduction (WildBit Viewer story)

I started this program in the middle 90s. Back then there was no suitable program for my needs. I needed some program to quickly view images that I had downloaded. I know that today there are many image viewers on the market. Mainly this is my hobby, to build my dream Viewer. So I hope that you enjoy using this program as much as I enjoy making it.

There are no time-outs, no nags, no adware, no banner ads and no spyware.

If you have any suggestion, question, or comment. Please send your emails to: wildbitsoftware[at] or you can always use Blog.